Dental Implants Synergy Dental in Burslem

Until fairly recently, traditional dentures and bridges were the only options for replacing missing teeth. Some people find dentures uncomfortable as they can be painful, don’t always remain in place and they can cause embarrassing clicking noises when eating, speaking or laughing.

A dental implant is an artificial replacement for a tooth root, usually made from titanium. They are suitable for most adults with good general health and are a more permanent solution to replacing missing teeth.

Why choose dental implants

  • They are the most natural solution, aesthetically and functionally.

  • They fit harmoniously into the dental arch.

  • They cannot be distinguished from real teeth in their function or appearance.

  • They provide a stable foundation for dentures, sparing patients the disadvantages of conventional dentures such as pressure points and poor fit. The palate is also no longer covered by plastic denture material, which has a positive effect on speech and the sense of taste.

  • It is unnecessary to grind the neighbouring teeth when fitting dental implants.

  • They can prevent bone deterioration. Like natural tooth roots, implants transmit chewing forces evenly to the jaw bone. If this stress is absent, as with conventional solutions, the jaw bone shrinks slowly.

  • They are reliable and a more permanent solution to replacing missing teeth.

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Multiple dental implants

If you have lost several teeth there are typically two solutions: separate dental crowns attached to dental implants or a dental bridge attached to 2 or more dental implants.

If you have one or more teeth missing, then you may not need as many implants as you think. Not every missing tooth needs to have an implant beneath it. We can fit a bridge to a single implant on which two or more crowns are used to replace adjoining teeth.

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Implant retained dentures

If you struggle wearing your dentures or they become loose and move about, causing difficulty in eating and speaking, dental implants can be used to secure your denture into position.

Two to four implants are placed in the lower jaw and four implants in the upper jaw, allowing the denture to be secured into position when needed and removed to clean with ease.

Implant secured dentures are also more comfortable than traditional type dentures, allowing you to retain a more natural biting and chewing function.

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