General Dentistry at Synergy Dental in Burslem

Sometimes dental conditions arise that require immediate treatment from your dentist. Whether this is due to a missing tooth, gum disease or another dental problem our friendly team can help. At Synergy Dental we offer a full range of general dental treatments including extractions, dentures and many more.

Composite (white) fillings

Fillings are one of the most basic methods of restoring teeth. They do exactly what their name suggests - they fill a hole in the tooth that has been caused by decay, playing an important role in helping us to keep a tooth for many more years.

In the past fillings were always made from either gold or a silver-coloured alloy called amalgam. Both these materials are extremely durable and in some circumstances they are still the best choice available. But they both have one disadvantage – they do not match the natural white teeth in appearance.

At Synergy Dental, we use the most effective, modern, tooth-coloured materials to enable you to have white fillings. Unlike the more traditional grey amalgam fillings, the tooth-coloured ones look very natural, so no-one will be able to tell you have them.

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Discover the Beauty and Functionality of Dental Inlays & Onlays

When it comes to repairing damaged teeth, dental inlays and onlays offer a natural-looking solution that strikes the perfect balance between a dental filling and a dental crown. Specifically designed to treat teeth that are too damaged for a filling but don't require a full crown, these restorations provide both aesthetic appeal and functional support.

Dental inlays are small fillings that snugly fit into the biting surface of a tooth, while onlays cover a larger area of the tooth, including one or more fractured cusps. Both inlays and onlays are excellent for treating cavities needing more substantial restoration. Crafted from tooth-coloured porcelain, inlays and onlays seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, creating a virtually undetectable restoration. To create these restorations, we use digital impressions of your teeth and collaborate with skilled dental technicians in our dental laboratory. During this time, a temporary filling will be placed to protect your tooth. When it comes to repairing damaged teeth, dental inlays and onlays offer a natural-looking solution that strikes the perfect balance between a dental filling and a dental crown. Specifically designed to treat teeth that are too damaged for a filling but don't require a full crown, these restorations provide both aesthetic appeal and functional support.

Dental inlays are small fillings that snugly fit into the biting surface of a tooth, while onlays cover a larger area of the tooth, including one or more fractured cusps. Both inlays and onlays are excellent for treating cavities needing more substantial restoration. Crafted from tooth-coloured porcelain, inlays and onlays seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, creating a virtually undetectable restoration. To create these restorations, we use digital impressions of your teeth and collaborate with skilled dental technicians in our dental laboratory. During this time, a temporary filling will be placed to protect your tooth.

Once your custom-made inlay or onlay is ready, we will remove the temporary filling and securely bond the restoration in place using a specialised adhesive; this ensures a strong and durable attachment that restores your tooth's appearance and functionality. By choosing dental inlays and onlays, you can enjoy the benefits of a conservative treatment that preserves more of your natural tooth structure while providing the necessary support for long-term oral health. Experience the transformative power of dental inlays and onlays at our practice. Schedule a consultation today to explore how these restorations can enhance your smile and protect your teeth. Our team is dedicated to delivering personalised care and exceptional results to help you achieve optimal dental well-being. By incorporating digital impressions into our restorative procedures, we enhance accuracy, efficiency, and the overall patient experience. You can trust that your inlay or onlay will be precisely tailored to your unique dental needs, providing both a natural appearance and long-lasting functionality.

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Whether you are missing a few, or many of your teeth dentures could be the solution for you. A denture is made from hard-wearing material that mimics the look of teeth and gums to give your mouth a natural appearance. At Synergy Dental, we provide excellent bespoke dentures that are constructed using the latest modern techniques and materials. Our dentures are created by our own clinical denture technician.

Dentures fitted by Synergy Dental are designed to restore your lip support, therefore avoiding that ‘sunken face’ look that can appear following the loss of your teeth. You will be able to remove your dentures for cleaning, and our hygienist can show you how to best take care of your denture(s) and gums, as always it is important that you take extra care in your hygiene routine to avoid tooth decay and gum disease.

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Many people have teeth removed at some time in their lives. Should you need a tooth removed, we will make you as comfortable as possible. Our dentists are highly skilled in these procedures and have many years’ experience so you can rest assured you are in very safe hands.

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