How we deal with nervous patients at Synergy Dental

At Synergy Dental, we understand that dental phobia is very common but, whatever your dental fears or concerns, we understand and are here to help!

We will do everything possible to make you feel calmer and more relaxed during your treatment, we will go at your pace, ensuring you are able to attend regular appointments and treatments with minimum anxiety.

How we can help if you are a nervous patient

We offer an intravenous or IV sedation. This is given by injection, either in the back of your hand or in your arm. The dose will depend on the amount of treatment needed and the length of time it will take to complete.

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Oral Sedation - How it works

During IV sedation you become drowsy and unaware of any treatment, but you are still able to co-operate with the dentist. The effects of sedative medicine take some time to wear off and your dentist will tell you how long the drugs will take to clear from your body. You won’t be able to drink alcohol, drive or work machinery during this time.

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