Restorative Dentistry at Synergy Dental in Biddulph

As dentists we always encourage our patients to look after their teeth however, problems can still occur - often due to general wear and tear. If we identify a dental problem we will use the most effective technique to restore your tooth or teeth.

At Synergy Dental we offer a wide range of restorative treatments including white fillings, dental crowns, dental implants and dental bridges.

Endodontics (root canal treatments)

Root Canal treatments are carried out when the inside of the tooth (the root or pulp) becomes infected or damaged, causing the root to be very painful and creating inflammation with the risk of severe pain and swelling. Root Canal Treatment eliminates the cause of the pain by completely removing the diseased or damaged tissue from the tooth. The root canal is meticulously cleaned, shaped and decontaminated, before securely filling it back up with a durable, inert material.

This means you can be pain free whilst still keeping your original tooth.There have been great innovations in the last few years to improve the comfort, speed and efficiency of this treatment.

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Prosthodontics (crowns, bridges & dentures)

Prosthodontics, also known as prosthetic dentistry, focuses on restoring natural teeth or placing a natural looking substitute in order to replace missing teeth or a part of the mouth. These can be both permanent or temporary placements.

What do Specialist Prosthodontists offer?

  • Aesthetic dentistry

  • Complex full mouth restoration

  • Crowns and bridges

  • Porcelain veneers

  • Re-treatment of failing dentistry

  • Tooth wearTMJ (jaw and bite problems)

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Oral surgery

Specialist Oral Surgeons can carry out a wide range of surgical procedures, such as:

  • Removal of impacted wisdom teeth

  • Surgical removal of retained roots and fractured teeth

  • Soft tissue procedures (for lumps, bumps, and swellings)

  • Removal of cystic lesions of the jaws

  • Repair of oro-antral (mouth to nose/sinus) communications.

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